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Author Archive Podiatry Station

ByPodiatry Station

Safety in the Sun

As the Summer holidays approach many patients are planning on going abroad to soak up some much-needed sunshine. Whilst the sun provides us with essential vitamin D, it is important to remember that skin cancer and melanomas of the nails is on the rise. Over 90% of cases are due to over exposure of the sun, making the disease largely preventable. By following the points below we can all enjoy the sun safely. Read More

ByPodiatry Station

Don’t Be Fooled by Your Feet!

April, a month full of fooling people.

But don’t be fooled when it comes to dealing with your own injuries!  Our blog this month details what you should do following an injury or muscle strain. The first 48 – 72 hours after any injury can be crucial and many patients underestimate how they can help themselves.

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ByPodiatry Station

Verruca Prevention Tips and Treatment

Verrucas: Tips for prevention and treatment

The Easter holidays are nearly upon us and for a lot of us that will mean going away for a much-needed break. Just ensure that you soak up the sun and sea and don’t bring back any unwanted germs with you. Every year after the 2-week Easter break we see a large increase in the number of patients coming in with verrucae, that they have picked up whilst on holiday. Our Blog this month will hopefully educate you on how to prevent them from happening in the first place.

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ByPodiatry Station

Love Your Feet This Valentines Day!

Love Your Feet This Valentines Day!


February is the month of love and this year, why not make this month all about yourself. Don’t forget to show your own feet some care and attention. We can often take our feet for granted, forgetting that they work tirelessly to keep us active and stop us falling, looking after your feet can prevent problems in the future. As the weather starts to warm up, we see a big increase in chilblains, fungal infections, and blisters.



Chilblains occur when the circulation cannot adapt to the rapid change in temperature. For example, stepping out of a warm house and into a freezing car. The blood vessels do not expand and recoil fast enough and as a result very significant colour changes can be seen in the toes.

Ultimately, the toes will turn a deep red colour before changing to a bruised black / purple appearance. The skin often returns to normal after this stage. However, the patient can experience intense itching and pain during this transition. It is important that chilblains are monitored closely as the skin can break down and ulcerate which can lead to infection.

A Podiatrist will ensure that your skin does not break down and recommend topical medicines to treat this condition if they are appropriate.



When the temperature drops, the winter shoes come out. These can vary from hiking shoes to knee high boots. Wearing footwear that is new or hardly worn can result in blisters forming on the heel or side of the toes.

Blisters are protective fluid filled bumps that develop in response to the skin rubbing against something that could result in a breakdown. Most blisters will disappear themselves and require no treatment. However, if the blister has blood in it, then you need to see a Podiatrist as soon as possible.


Fungal Infections

It is very tempting to keep your warm socks and slippers on during the Winter. However, if your feet are constantly in a warm, dark, and moist environment then it is a perfect breeding ground for fungus to develop. This can result in fungal infected toenails and athletes foot forming on the soles of the feet as well as in-between the toes. A Podiatrist can recognise the early signs of a fungal infection and with early intervention can use all preventative options to stop it from progressing further. To find out more or to speak to a specialist call us on 020 3327 0194 or email us at

ByPodiatry Station

4 Top Tips For Your Podiatry Health and Fitness Goals This New Year

4 Top Tips For Your Podiatry Health and Fitness Goals This New Year

It’s that time of the year again! What’s your new year’s resolution?

So many of us set goals to improve our health and fitness. This must be the most popular of new year’s resolutions, which often involves starting a new diet as well as an exercise plan. However, if you have never done any form of exercise before and suddenly start something such as running every morning, then you are certainly going to experience other problems. Follow our health and fitness advice below as a guide to prevent any unnecessary injuries from occurring.

1.Warm Up Your Muscles

Before you start any form of exercise it is crucial that you warm up your muscles. Not only does this prepare you physically but it also helps you mentally to concentrate on the activity that you are about to do. Your warm up should consist of gentle stretches, but it should raise your heart rate and body temperature. By doing this your heart will pump more blood to the muscles and it will also reduce your chances of straining the muscles or causing any long-term damage to the joints.


 2. Gradually Build Up Your Intensity For Fitness

If you are new to running, then it is a good idea to start by walking first to understand your health and fitness at this moment.  You should build up your pace so that you are able to still speak while walking briskly. Once you are comfortable with the brisk walking then you should progress to jogging for 30 seconds before going back to a brisk walk. By building up your running pace gradually not only will your stamina increase, but you will also find that you are able to jog for longer periods of time without stopping.


3. Choose the Appropriate Footwear

One of the biggest mistakes we see regularly in the clinic is patients not changing their footwear when they start to exercise. Your everyday trainers that you wear may not be best for you health and fitness whilst running. Running trainers have additional shock absorption built into the soles, so that your joints are protected. Some running shoes also come with an air bubble feature which is extremely beneficial to runners who might suffer from ankle pain. Similarly, if you are deciding to walk long distances then instead of trainers you will require walking boots.


4. Don’t Forget the Cool Down!

After you have finished your workout there is always the temptation to sit down or just stop. However, it is very important that you spend at least 5 minutes on cooling down. The cooling down phase is very important as it is responsible for slowing down the heart rate and minimising lactic acid build up in the muscles. It also plays an important part in preventing muscle tears and strains.


By following the above advice, you will reduce your chances of causing muscle damage and strains. However, if this still occurs then the affected muscle should be raised, and some cold compression should be given. If you do suffer from any pain and inflammation in the lower limbs then you should book to see a Podiatrist who will be able to offer you treatments such as Laser Therapy, which helps to kick start the repair process.

ByPodiatry Station

Pain and Inflammation: Lower Limb and Foot

Pain and Inflammation in Lower Limbs and Feet

There are several reasons why people experience inflammation and pain in their legs and feet. Lower back pain, knock knees, flat feet, tendinopathies, and plantar fasciitis are the most common musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions. However, the list is endless. The good news is that technology has advanced significantly in recent years, providing a host of assessments and treatments that can assist with diagnosing MSK conditions in the lower leg and foot. Below are further details to help you get a better understanding of how we can help with MSK conditions.

Gait Analysis with the help of PODOSmart Technology

If you are a keen runner, walker or simply on your feet all the time, then a gait analysis is for you. If you are looking to improve your lifestyle and need treatment for pain or discomfort in the feet or lower limbs, a PODOSmart gait analysis is an excellent modern tool providing accurate results. This entails the patient going for a short walk with digital insoles that are placed inside their own footwear. The digital insoles have pressure receptors, motion detectors, and use artificial intelligence software to analyse your walking pattern. Alongside the gait analysis, the Podiatrist will also carry out a hands-on biomechanical assessment. This helps to assess your hips, knees, lower legs, and feet. After combining the results from the biomechanical assessment and the gait analysis, the Podiatrist will provide a diagnosis and prepare a treatment plan. The treatment plan often includes footwear advice, personalised stretching and strengthening exercises, insoles/orthotics, and laser therapy.

Laser Therapy to help kick start your recovery

There are many different treatment options available for individuals who are experiencing inflammation and pain in their feet and lower limbs. Laser treatment is one that has become incredibly popular in recent times. This offers a proven way of managing both acute and chronic pain that is caused by MSK conditions. MLS Class IV Laser Therapy reduces pain because it addresses the cause of that pain, whether this is by healing, repairing or regeneration. Pain relief can often be felt after the first session but does vary with each patient. Laser therapy is completely safe, as well as non-invasive and painless.

Final words on pain and inflammation in lower limbs and feet

Technology has advanced considerably in recent times, and there is an abundance of resources available to allow patients to achieve far better results than ever before. As a matter of course, technology is ever evolving, and future assessments and treatments will only get better. If you are in pain or discomfort, do not delay and book your assessment with the specialist MSK podiatrists at our outstanding rehabilitation clinic, so you receive the best treatment plan for your specific condition and symptoms.

ByPodiatry Station

The Best Shoes for People Who Work on Their Feet

The Best Shoes for People Who Work on Their Feet

If you work in an environment that requires you to be on your feet all day, then you’ll know how important it is to wear shoes that allow you to do your job in comfort. Many of us will have been in a situation where all you can think about is getting home at the end of a shift to rest our aching feet. But what should you be looking for when it comes to the perfect pair of shoes to take you through a working day in comfort?

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ByPodiatry Station

The 5 Benefits of Custom-Made Casted Orthotics

custom insoles

The 5 Benefits of Custom-Made Casted Orthotics

Feet are the body’s foundation, so keeping them healthy is critical to your overall health. Having healthy feet can relieve problems with other parts of your body, including your knees, hips and the spine. Custom orthotics provide cushioning and support to the foot and have been found to be a scientifically proven method of overcoming pain and discomfort.

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ByPodiatry Station

5 Things To Do After Foot Surgery

5 Things To Do After Foot Surgery

The lead up to a surgical procedure can be a daunting experience. Anyone that has had any kind of surgical procedure in the past will know that more often than not, the recovery process is more challenging than the operation itself. Typically, foot or ankle conditions and injuries can result in a lot of time in rehabilitation, and that too after a lengthy period of being off your feet completely. This can take some adjustment and if you are struggling to adapt or do not know what to expect, we are here to help. To ease the process, our guide below highlights some of the key things you can do during your recovery from foot surgery.

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ByPodiatry Station

Foot Care for Children

Child Foot Care & Back-to-school Shoe Advice

Did you know that in just six months, your child’s feet can grow up to two sizes? This means it is important to choose the right shoes to account for this growth. When choosing the correct shoe size, make sure the shoe is around a 1cm longer than the longest toe. This will allow for growth and elongation of the foot when walking, keeping your child’s feet comfortable.

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