As the Summer holidays approach many patients are planning on going abroad to soak up some much-needed sunshine. Whilst the sun provides us with essential vitamin D, it is important to remember that skin cancer and melanomas of the nails is on the rise. Over 90% of cases are due to over exposure of the sun, making the disease largely preventable. By following the points below we can all enjoy the sun safely.

  1. Slip-on clothing

Clothing should be considered the first line of defence against UVR and should cover as much skin as possible – shoulders burn easily so they should be covered.

  1. Sun cream

Apply sunscreen liberally and evenly to all areas of exposed skin 20 minutes before heading outdoors, using a minimum SPF 30, with four-star or five-star UVA protection. Always reapply sunscreen at least every two hours, more often if perspiring and always straight after swimming.

  1. Wide brimmed hat

A wide brimmed hat will provide protection to the scalp and help shade the face, neck, ears, cheeks, and eyes – all areas that burn easily.

  1. Sunglasses

Opt for sunglasses labelled with a CE UV400+ rating to protect the eyes which are up to 10 times more sensitive to UV damage than our skin.

  1. Shade from the sun

Seek shade from the sun whenever possible, particularly during peak UV hours, between 11.00am and 3.00pm in the UK.

Melanomas of the nail present as a dark vertical line down the nail plate. If your nail has developed one of these then book an appointment to see a Podiatrist urgently to assess whether any onward referral is required. Our specialist Podiatrist at Podiatry Station is accredited for early detection of melanoma and skin cancer.

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Opening Times

  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 8.30am - 7pm
  • Saturday: 9.30am - 5pm
  • Tuesday & Sunday: Closed